Mark Eichin wrote:
> yeah, cygwin32.dll is under the GPL.  So? It's a DLL, like libc5 and
> libc6 are... [the *only* thing I'm aware of that actually uses the
> LGPL is libg++; it was as much of an experiment as anything, and I'm
> not aware of any not-otherwise-free software taking advantage of those
> terms...]  Just because libgcc is on "special" terms is no reason for
> cygwin32.dll to be (cygwin32 is *more* than even a libc, it's got a
> fair amount of emulation code in it, so it looks like you have unified
> file descriptors... and you don't want to look at the internals of
> select...]

My understanding was that if a shared library is GPL'd rather than
LGPL'd, linking commercial programs against it is illegal unless you
provide source.  The LGPL removes that restriction, and that's why glibc
(as well as libg++) uses the LGPL.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, though.


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