[Yes, replying to myself.]

On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 11:05:44AM -0600, Kenneth Pronovici wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 11:17:24AM +0100, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> > * Kenneth Pronovici 
> > 
> > | I think what you're forgetting (or at least ignoring) is that designing
> > | hardware is not exactly like designing software.  The process is
> > | similar, yes, but it's not an apples-to-apples comparison.  At the
> > | least, this is because testing your hardware "implementation" is not
> > | "free" (as in beer).   Nor am I aware of many free (or even cheap)
> > | hardware development tools or "environments".
> > 
> > You can get microcontroller development boards with a handfull of ICs
> > off atmel for around 30-40 euros.  Etching 12x8cm boards costs you a
> > couple of Euros and you can get a lot done without going that far,
> > even, but just soldering stuff.  Not free, but cheap enough that «it's
> > too expensive» isn't a real argument.
> I stand corrected on these costs.  Again, I'm not claiming to be an
> expert here - can the development Bruce is suggesting really be done on
> this sort of development board?

(I think someone else answered this in a different reply to my original

> > FPGA equipment is on the same magnitude of cost -- still a bit off
> > «thousands of dollars»
> Not sure where "thousands of dollars" came from (not me), but OK.

Aha, I see where you found this in my original note (although you didn't
quote it).  In that paragraph, "thousands of dollars" was just an
example for illustration, although I chose the magnitude of the cost
from one of the links Bruce posted (I recall seeing a $5400 fabrication
cost listed on one of those pages).


Kenneth J. Pronovici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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