El dom, 05-12-2004 a las 20:16 +0000, Thaddeus H. Black escribiÃ:
> Peter Samuelson writes,
> > We seem to be moving to a de facto standard of UTF-8 for non-ASCII
> > characters in debian/control files.  This is not specified in Policy
> > [1], but for hopefully obvious reasons, consistency is a Good Thing,
> > and UTF-8 seems to be the best solution for this sort of thing.
> Would Peter permit me a mild dissent?  I prefer Latin-1.  Reason: I can
> recognize and distinguish Latin-1 characters, even when I do not always
> understand the words they spell.  Recognizing and distinguishing the
> characters is important to me.  And not just to me.  Imagine the dismay
> of a Korean user trying to read Arabic script in a control file.

 But the only field in UTF8 should be Maintainer, and that field should
have (IMHO) also a roman transliterate for the name, if you don't use a
latin charset (Greek, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese...)

 So I don't really see your point here. That you can write your name in
your native alphabet doesn't mean that from now people could write their
rules files in Chinese, or whatever.


Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo

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