On Sat, Nov 27, 2004 at 12:15:04PM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

> > > - an extra field could be added to such packages so frontends can hide
> > >   them (or they just hide all "support package" descriptions. A
> > >   "support" section could also work.
> > couldn't this be done via debtags? that would avoid duplicate efforts...
> Please :-)  It is also much, much easier to roll in than a new field.

Yes, that's the same thing I was thinking :)

There are various things that can be done with debtags tags, such as:

 debtags grep "!devel::library"
which hides libraries or a very cool:

 debtags grep "!culture::* || culture::italian"
which hides locale-specific packages which don't apply to my locale.

So, if you bear with us for a little, we may be able to get some of this
into post-sarge.  The team is small, but work is going forward, with
outstanding results that are just waiting to be integrated a bit more in
normal Debian tools.  And there's work going on also for that.

People wishing to help, or to know more, please drop me a note.



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