On Sat, Nov 13, 2004 at 02:55:42AM -0500, Alex Mauer wrote:
>  xmlstarlet (0.9.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
>Description: Command Line XML Toolkit
> The toolkit's feature set includes options to:
> Check or validate XML files (simple well-formedness check, DTD, XSD, RelaxNG)
> Calculate values of XPath expressions on XML files (such as running sums, etc)
> Search XML files for matches to given XPath expressions
> Apply XSLT stylesheets to XML documents (including EXSLT support, and passing
> parameters to stylesheets)
> Query XML documents (ex. query for value of some elements of attributes,
> sorting, etc)
> Modify or edit XML documents (ex. delete some elements)
> Format or "beautify" XML documents (as changing indentation, etc)
> Fetch XML documents using http:// or ftp:// URLs
> Browse tree structure of XML documents (in similar way to 'ls' command for
> directories)
> Include one XML document into another using XInclude
> XML c14n canonicalization
> Escape/unescape special XML characters in input text
> Print directory as XML document
> Convert XML into PYX format (based on ESIS - ISO 8879), and vice versa

Out of curiosity, what is its advantage over libxml2-utils and xsltproc ?


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