Hello there,

I was wondering too, why there is no SA3 in sarge yet. A friend of mine asked to write a couple words about this new version from a system administrator view.

When I was using 2.6x series, the main tool to mark spam was bayes database, and some others tests would help to identify spam. But the main one was Bayes. In v3, the situation is pretty different.
For me, the change from 2.6x to 3.xx was a huge leap forward. It is pretty hard to explain how much better v3 is. The main thing to identify spam now is surbl (www.surbl.org). Shortly, pretty much all of spam contains some url's to some spam sites. All these websites/ip's are being tracked in surbl database. Since the most of the spam is some random words/junk and a spam url, it is a VERY efficient way to fight spam.
Please, please, please include spamassassin3 in sarge. One can live with spamassassin 2.xx, but when you taste the difference... It does make sysadmins life so much much much easier.
If it is not possible, is there any chance to get surbl tests in 2.xx series?

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