On Wednesday 10 November 2004 18:22, Eric Lavarde wrote:
> Hi,
> hope this is OK to reply-to-all in such cases...
> Hilko Bengen wrote:
> > Eric Lavarde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>the package does already exist actually (see
> >>http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FreeMind_on_Linux for
> >>details), I'm the maintainer of the package for the FreeMind project
> >>and I'd like to have it in the official Debian repository (contrib
> >>Section).
> >
> > Have you tried to compile/run freemind with any of the available
> > DFSG-free JREs so far?
> Not personally, but some users have unintentionally and unsuccessfully
> tried to start FreeMind with kaffe and gcj. Would I get a different
> result if I would try to _compile_ first FreeMind with whatever free JDK?

I tried to run it under gij-3.4 and it died.  I have yet to investigate why.


> >>I'm not yet a Debian developer, going through the documentation and
> >>the process of becoming one.
> >
> > Recently I spent a few hours on creating a freemind package myself,
> > since I hadn't seen the links to your package so far. If you want,
> > I'll be happy to sponsor your package.
> It would be a pleasure, I just need to find a key signer nearby. Anybody
> living around BÃblingen (or Stuttgart)?
> So, what would be the next steps? Remember: I'm still going through the
> documentation (and I didn't think it would be so quick to get a sponsor
> :-) ).
> Thanks, Eric
> > Cheers,
> > -Hilko

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