Say I discover a bug (for example in xlockmore) and it's the same bug that's already been reported (10085). Does it make any sense for me to report it again, so that the maintainer knows it is effecting more than one person? It seems that this could be useful both as a way to encourage the maintainer to fix it, and to help track down the exact cause if the maintainer can't reproduce the bug his/herself.... (for instance should it be somehow hardware related)....
On the other hand there are also obvious reasons why it shouldn't be reported again....Any policy exist for this? I didn't see anything under the reporting a bug document. Thanks -Sam -- VA Research Linux Workstations | The World's Best Linux Workstations | | Now offering VarStation II Systems Sam Ockman - (415)934-3666, ext. 133 | Based on the Intel Pentium II -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .