I was looking at Ian Jackson's automated report of unanswered bugs, and the number of -very- old bugs is surprising. Closer examination of the oldest ones makes me think that the problem isn't so much the bugs but bad handling.
Of the 5 oldest bugs, 4 are on xbase, and might refer to problems specific to XFree86 3.1.2, which is no longer current. Someone ought to verify that the bugs still exist (bugs 725, 740, 773, and 775). Two relate to twm, and one of those (725, the -oldest- unanswered bug) is described by Ian Jackson as being in every version of twm he's ever used, so it sounds to me like an upstream bug. Maybe its been fixed in the last 2 years. If not, it can probably be forwarded upstream. Bug 740 deals with a server problem. If it isn't fixed by now, it to should probably be forwarded upstream. The 5th eldest bug was one of several reported on the various versions of "echo" in the system. Several bugs were originally filed, one for each built-in echo, and one for /bin/echo. Only the bug for tcsh's echo remains, the rest presumably having been forwarded upstream. The bug report messages for this bug indicate that it, too, should be forwarded upstream (the tcsh maintained disclaims responsibility for the bug), but it apparantly hand't been done properly. This is just the 5 oldest. I've heard tell recently that we have over 2200 outstanding bugs. That's 20% of the total bugs received. Can we at least examine these older bugs and clear them out? Since we have apparantly received over 7000 bug reports in the last year, I can understand the large number of open bugs, but the age of the eldest could be embarassing. (Some, like bug 988, do have entries that say "this bug is basically unsoluble right now, but the open bug serves a useful reminder of the problem for when it is soluble". This I can see as legitimate when deserved. The problem I see is when it looks like we've forgotten or ignored a bug.) -- Buddha Buck [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Just as the strength of the Internet is chaos, so the strength of our liberty depends upon the chaos and cacaphony of the unfettered speech the First Amendment protects." -- A.L.A. v. U.S. Dept. of Justice -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .