* Sven Mueller 

| Tollef Fog Heen [u] wrote on 07/10/2004 09:52:
| > * Duncan Findlay | Umm... I'd like to see that....
| > 7122 root      15   0  660m 332m 4692 D  0.0 43.8   8:18.64 spamd
| > 7123 nobody    15   0  287m 257m 4692 D  0.0 34.0   0:17.01 spamd
| > | Furthermore, you should use the -m option to limit the number of
| > | children to something sane, like 5 or so.
| > This is per child, as I wrote.
| Do you have any additional rulesets like those SARE rules installed?


| If so, how many/what total size?

I have ~10 custom body matching rules.  If that makes SA explode,
something is seriously broken. :)

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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