(re-titled to - flavors) To give limits to Debian Enterprise/ User Linux we need to define some areas of focus.
Flavours (and sub-flavours/ tasks/ yadda) is as good a place to start as any. So here are some proposed flavours: - Enterprise (base packages and more "neutral" config) - Enterprise Desktop - with sub-flavours of: - Secretary Desktop - Presentation Client (OO Presenter, multimedia, flash) - Developer Desktop (all build-depends of all flavours, as a start) - Enterprise Fileserver - Enterprise Webserver - Enterprise Auth Server - Enterprise Departmental Server (combines File, Web + Auth) - Enterprise Firewall - Enterprise SCM Server - Enterprise Router - Enterprise Thin Client cheers zenaan -- Debian Enterprise: A Custom Debian Distribution: http://debian-enterprise.org/ * Homepage: http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~zenaan/ * PGP Key: http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~zenaan/zen.asc * Please respect the confidentiality of this email as sensibly warranted.