I will take amap if no one disagrees.

Simon Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm totally swamped in work even though I haven't started learning for
> the next round of exams yet, so I'd like to give away my packages:
>  - amap
>  - pingus
>  - uptimed (sponsor needed for Daniel Gubser, who helped out)
>  - python-imaging(*)
>    Simon
> (*) Gerhard Häring expressed interest, but I have no definitive word.
> -- 
> GPG Fingerprint: 040E B5F7 84F1 4FBC CEAD  ADC6 18A0 CC8D 5706 A4B4

Andres Roldan

Fluidsignal Group       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Debian Project      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GIGAX                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG Key-ID              0xB29396EB      
Home Page               http://people.fluidsignal.com/~aroldan

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