On 21-Oct-03, 09:58 (CDT), Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 09:54:13PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> >     It is documented to be a Makefile. That _is_ the
> >  interface definition.
> Actually, we don't know that. The original documentation did not explicitely
> say that all rules files absolutely need to be makefiles, but we warped it
> to mean that later.
Oh, please. It may not have been explicitly documented, but it was sure
as hell intended to be a Makefile. The "warpage" merely documented the
existing reality.


Steve Greenland
    The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
    system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
    world.       -- seen on the net

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