Hi, Please CC: me on replies, i'm not subscribed to debian-devel. -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5588 2003-09-15 17:41 /sbin/minit -r-x------ 1 root root 5588 2003-09-24 10:31 /sbin/runit-init -r-x------ 1 root root 8628 2003-09-24 10:31 /sbin/runit -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12724 2003-09-24 10:31 /usr/bin/runsv
minit is already really small. All it does is running processes and restarting them when they die. There seems to be little difference between what i can do with minit and with multiple runsv. And yes, i do know about shared memory. I admit that runsvdir has some nice features - like something similar to runlevels, but way easier to understand. Just change the symlink to the new runlevel and it will terminate services not in the new runlevel, while starting new services. Nice! But i don't see why i need that many processes: âârunsvdirââârunsvâââsshd â â ââsvlogd â âârunsvâââgdmâââgdmâââXFree86 â â ââgnome-sessionâââssh-agent â ââ4*[runsvâââgetty] â âârunsvâââmasterâââpickup â â ââqmgr â âârunsvâââsvlogd â â ââusbmgr â âârunsvâââcupsd â â ââsvlogd â âârunsvâââfamd â â ââsvlogd â âârunsvâââapacheâââ5*[apache] â âârunsvââârunâââmysqld_safeâââmysqldâââmysqldâââ2*[... â ââ4*[runsvâââsocklog] â â ââsvlogd] â âârunsv â âârunsvââârpc.statd â â ââsvlogd â âârunsvââârunââârpc.mountd â âârunsvâââsleep â âârunsvâââatd â âârunsvâââcron Greetings, Erich Schubert -- erich@(vitavonni.de|debian.org) -- GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C (o_ There was never a good war or a bad peace. - Benjamin Franklin //\ Die StÃrke eines Menschen kann man daran messen, V_/_ wie er mit seinen SchwÃchen fertig wird!