On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 12:38:48AM -0400, Glenn Maynard wrote:
> > However, pulling that message from the list archives may be a good idea.
> > It's what Ava Driscoll asked for, and the big HTML links sure don't look
> > good on the Debian pages.
> Debian is not in the habit of editing its history (mailing list archives). 
> Don't start down that slope.

It will be removed like any other spam. The value of spam that just
happened to pass through our filtering to the history of Debian is paltry.
It is the normal messages that should remain in the archive, not random junk.

You have no idea how many napsters of porn, partying with porn stars,
freeware for AS400, le newsletter d'ALLWAY Software, ... and of course gobs
of CJK spam fortunately incomprehensible to me, I removed already.
It goes so far that I recently noticed that those per-architecture -changes
mailing lists weren't locked to be used only by dinstall, and were open to
spamming. There were some where there wasn't a single useful message (e.g.
from a buildd, they used to use them sometimes), and I zapped several
whole list subdirectories.

(I should probably remove them altogether if dak's not going to be extended
to post to them. People who want this, this would be a good time to start
working on that patch...)

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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