On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 06:31:03PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: > On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 09:58:31PM +0200, Sven Luther wrote: > > On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 08:11:55PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: > > > Interested parties, please catch up on the last month's worth of traffic > > > to the debian-x mailing list to get a feel for the environment. > > > > Maybe you could split the debian-x list some, it would make reading it > > easier. The signal to noise ratio has rather much degraded there these > > last month, especially with all the control.bugs.debian processed mails > > going to it. > > IMO, people who can't keep up with debian-x in its current state > probably don't have the time to be the kind of committer who can > measurably help me get 4.3.0 into sarge.
Well, that is something, but notice that due to the big number of mostly uninformative 'processed' and other BTS mail, i missed the original pm2 bug you then forwarded to me, which would not have happened if debian-x was not so high volume. Face it, if you don't read it each day, you can quickly get 100+ new mails, which makes it a bit difficult to follow. I understand your need to have this info available in the mailing list, but interested people could as well subscribe to the PTS, no need to duplicate things. Replies could still be set to the list or something. At least splitting the automatically generated stuff to a second write only list would be nice, setting the reply-to or whatever of it to debian-x, this would be for SVN logs and bug report traffic. Or maybe lower the quantity of messages the bug report sends, no need to really include the processed messages, they don't really add that much information. Notice i just send to david a 4.2.1 upstream glint_drv.o with debugging log enabled, let's see what this will bring us as information. > I will be availing myself more of "help" tags, though, so people could > always scan the xfree86 bug list for bugs tagged "help", and volunteer > to help in specific cases. Effort could be coordinated simply via > [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yep. Friendly, Sven Luther