2) go to /usr/src and tar xjvf kernel-source-2.4.21.tar.bz2
Why don't you use the kernel-headers packages and use them as partial kernel source? They provide header files (including the complete kernel version) and the .config that belongs to them.
Because for some of them it wasn't enough. So, to be on the safe side, I used the sources.
A) Why isn't this procedure documented properly somewhere? Especially
This is not the default procedure. Working with kernel-headers is documented in some FAQs and many README.Debian files of the ...-src packages.
I haven't seen any README.Debian package that had a description of the procedure that worked out-of-the-box. Most of the time, using stock kernels is not taken into account, so the APPEND_TO_VERSION stuff is missing.
NVIDIA packages at the time I installed them. This caused a lot of mental suffering for me. (Which brings us to another thing: WHY oh WHY, isn't the procedure to get and install the NVIDIA drivers more automated!?)
I fail to see your problem. Read /usr/share/doc/nvidia-kernel-src/README.Debian.gz and follow the steps in the section:
METHOD #1 Using a kernel-headers package ***********************************************************************
At the time I still used it (again, one year ago or so), this didn't work out-of-the-box, because of the APPEND_TO_VERSION stuff. I see this has been fixed in the meantime, in step 4 of the installation instructions in the file you mentioned.
Still, couldn't this be a lot more automated?
-- Grtjs, Manuel
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