Joshua Kwan dijo [Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 05:35:51PM -0700]:
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 07:22:00PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> > Next Debconf is scheduled to be held in Vancouver, Canada. Some people
> > were talking me into proposing Mexico for a future Debconf, but I don't
> > think it would be that good an idea until we had some more developers in
> > the country, but... Maybe for 2006? :-)
> That's great to hear! Do you have details?
Details for something three years in the future? No way! :-D

I want to get an idea of the interest on coming to Mexico. Three years,
still, is too long to make serious work on it right away. I think in one
year it will be pertinent to start working on it, with plenty of time,
just as Debconf 2005 is doing now.

I have coordinated some Free Software conferences in Mexico, and I know
I can easily get some universities to host us. Mexico is quite a cheap
country, so that would be a very good point for us. 

...But, once again, it is too soon. I understand there is work under way
for Vancouver - Were it still not certain, I can jump with this... But I
don't feel like stomping on canadian toes ;-)

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
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