On Sat, Jul 26, 2003 at 02:52:48PM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote: > It was pointed out already that this is not necessarily a good idea, > e.g. when /home is on NFS. Additionally you cannot run tmpreaper on > ~/tmp/ without starting a big information campain, "everthing under ~/ > was always sacred."
I put all my "important files without a better spot" under ~/tmp. Actually maybe running tmpreaper on this directory would be a good idea ;-), although I don't dare risk it. The fact remains though that I use /tmp/bam and /home/bam/tmp for different purposes. The point about /home being NFS is an important one, some programs don't function properly with /tmp being NFS. (then again, some programs debian/stable don't cope with NFS on /home either, but thats a topic for another thread, most noteably Gnome IIRC). -- Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>