On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 04:24:20PM +0800, Isaac To wrote:
> It is far from obvious.  What if I develop my software, finds the
> specification of MIME to be very similar to what my software does, but yet I
> need to modify the things here and there so as to suit my needs; and when
> documenting my software I want to use RFC 1341 as a starting point, change
> those things that my software do differently than 1341, and then say that is
> the documentation of my software?  I have no intention to confuse the result
> with RFC 1341, so what's wrong to do the edit (except that the author of RFC
> 1341 might be unhappy with that)?  To the user it is really best done that
> way: if I have to rewrite 1341 I probably won't give documentation at all
> because I don't have the time.  If instead I just point out the positions
> that my software differs from 1341 the user would have to read two different
> documents.

Couldn't you write a new document along the lines of "This is based on
RFC1341 with the following exceptions ...."?

That way you can see exactly what differences there are to the known
standard, at a glance, without having to resort to using tools like

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