On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 12:11:07PM +0400, Nikita V. Youshchenko wrote:

> Seems that apt-get ignores -o DPkg::Options.


> So dpkg is called without any options from DPkg::Options ...
> Should this be reported as a bug in apt, or I am doing something wrong?

It's a quirk.
apt-get -o 'dpkg::options::={...}' will do what you want.

> P.S.
> While exploring this issue, I looked at apt open bug list. I was surprised
> how HUGE it is. Can't believe that apt, possibly the most important Debian
> package, is poorly maintained...

- 263 of the bugs (72%) are minor and wishlist bugs.

- There are 2 release-critical bugs.  One of them, in my opinion, should be

- There are 6 'important' bugs

- Several of the bugs have many (sometimes 10 or more) duplicates.  apt is a
  very popular package, and most people don't bother to check if their bug
  is already reported.  Even when they do, the long list of minor and
  wishlist bugs makes it hard to find things without a search capability.

- Some people (especially DAN JACOBSON) think that it is very clever to file
  dozens of bugs for features that they would like for apt to have, and
  complain about the documentation without providing patches to improve it.
  This clutters the bug list even more.

- I and others have spent a great deal of time over the past few months
  reviewing, merging, reassigning and otherwise helping to make the bug list
  more manageable.

- apt 0.5.5 closed about 100 bugs.

In summary: stop complaining, and disregarding the efforts of others, and
put forth some effort of your own.  Complaining on debian-devel doesn't get
bugs fixed.

 - mdz

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