Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I was only ever in the situation where naming closed bugs in the changelog > was non-trivial on two occasions, when the upstream maintainer sent me the > list of bugs he reviewed and said should be closed. Both times I reviewed > the lists myself, to double-check and avoid typos and such. I added short > descriptions the first time, but I was too lazy to do it the second time. > Now that I look back at that changelog, the one where there are no > descriptions looks pretty lame compared to the other.
OK. Let me ask you this question: what if the maintainer uploads a new upstream release which happens to fix bug #xxx, and then sends a message by hand to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message "This bug is fixed in upstream version x.y.z". Do you have a problem with this and if so why? -- Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 is out! ( ) Email: Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Home Page: PGP Key: