On Sun, May 18, 2003 at 10:26:38AM +0100, Matt Ryan wrote: > Society evolves and with it rules change, we need to accept this and see > what evolves - if it turns out to be bad then limits will have to be > applied, but I'm not seeing a complete state of anarchy break out yet...
Right now we're getting really damn close to anarchy, when everyone and their dog has the means to entirely obliterate everyone else's mailbox with unwanted whatever-they-have-to-say, and sometimes even obliterate their computer (with viruses). The only way the rules need to evolve is to make things that annoy all decent users punished properly, rather than effectively ignored. (As for the particular rule in question, the McQuary limit is perhaps one of the more utopian ones, but I still don't see many people on Debian mailing lists that I track breaking it.) -- 2. That which causes joy or happiness.