Emile van Bergen wrote: > So what do you propose then, to drop everything just because you > cynically point out that a lot of rules are being violated today?
What I'm saying is that (a lot of) these rules are archaic and irrelevant in today's Internet world. Firstly I doubt any of the people who violate the rules are even aware what an RFC is or what it's for - and if they did they probably wouldn't care. Does it matter to the sender that they put a couple of extra lines in their signature and this *may* cause a few extra seconds download time for the recipient? Is forwarding a chain letter going to get them cut off by their ISP? Will their computer explode if they type their message in CAPITALS? The answer to these is no, and I hazard a guess that 'abuse' of any of these rules would end up at the same conclusion - it's not relevant to me therefore I'll dismiss it. Society evolves and with it rules change, we need to accept this and see what evolves - if it turns out to be bad then limits will have to be applied, but I'm not seeing a complete state of anarchy break out yet... Matt.