On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 01:32:02PM -0400, David Z Maze wrote:
> Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 01:45:30PM -0400, David Z Maze wrote:

> >> (a) Repackaging lm-sensors 2.6.5, which would just have libsensors1
> >>     1:2.6.5-1, which in turn would Conflict: with any packages that
> >>     have compiled against libsensors1 2.7.0 (AFAIK, just one).
> >
> >> (b) Changing the soname of libsensors.so to libsensors.so.1.debian.1
> >>     in lm-sensors 2.7.0, and changing the name of the library package
> >>     to libsensors-1debian1, and changing the shlibs file
> >>     appropriately.
> >
> >> (c) Checking that the user-kernel interface hasn't changed; that is,
> >>     that the 2.6.5 library works vs. 2.7.0 modules, and vice versa.
> >
> >> Is this a reasonable course of action?  The soname feels a little ugly
> >> to me, but otherwise, assuming (c), it does feel like about the right
> >> thing to do.
> >
> > You're talking about doing all of the above?  If you do (b) and (c), why
> > do you still need to do (a)?  (I.e., why would you maintain two versions
> > of the library in unstable simultaneously?)
> >
> > Doing (b) and (c) seems reasonable, at least.  But if you don't have
> > kernel interface issues from (c), I don't see why you would want (a).

> I'd like packages that haven't recompiled vs. libsensors-1debian1 to
> still work.  (a) would mean providing the old libsensors1 with the old
> ABI, which would enable this.  (If (c) works and I do (b) but not (a),
> then the lm-sensors source package now provides libsensors-dev and
> libsensors-1debian1, and nothing provides libsensors1.)

So you intend to maintain two versions of this library for the duration
of a stable release cycle?  That doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

Otherwise, this is a standard library soname migration, and the sooner
other packages stop depending on the older lib, the better, IMHO.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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