W liście z czw, 15-05-2003, godz. 11:54, Wouter Verhelst pisze: 
> If you already parsed mailcap into mc's configuration, you should've
> seen this (picking out a random one):
> application/vnd.sun.xml.draw; openoffice '%s'; edit=openoffice '%s'; 
> test=test "$DISPLAY" != "" ; description="OpenOffice.org 1.0 Drawing"; 
> nametemplate=%.sxd
> Take extra care to the 'test' parameter.
> > Could be posible run ie. links in mc and galeon in nautilus by the same
> > run-mailcap command?
> If you can create a test to accomplish that, sure.

Yes, I've seen it. BUT...

This is galeon entry in /etc/mailcap:

text/html; /usr/bin/galeon '%s'; description=HTML Text; test=test -n
"$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.html

Even if I change it, to run links if not $DISPLAY it would be bad
solution. User can't choose which browser use. In addition, it's another
record from the same file.

text/html; /usr/bin/mozilla '%s'; description=HTML Text; test=test -n
"$DISPLAY";  nametemplate=%s.html

We see a conflict. It doesn't matter how many browser user installed,
always will be run galeon (it's above so it's first - am I right?).

The best solution, I think, is that galeon (mozilla, etc) shouldn't
provide a /etc/mailcap record, but just alternatives. And then in
/etc/mailcap should be (just ONE) record, like (sorry, I don't know

text/html; if DISPLAY run x-www-browser else run www-browser

that's all. When user want to change one of browsers just use
update-alternatives --config.

This mechanism may be applied not only for browser, but image-viewers

What do you think about that? (I hope you understanded me ;)

      .---,             --:   mcINEK   :--
     /  ,. \   '   T h e   O w l s  a r e  n o t     
    |  |  ; ;    W h a t   T h e y   S e e m . . .   '
     \ `._ /        wrote on Debian GNU/Linux SID

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