On Tue, Apr 22, 2003 at 12:12:56AM +0200, Bastiaan Naber wrote:
> I have updated my unstable box but my  address auto completion  does
> not work anymore in mozilla. Can anyone reproduce this ? It is
> annoying me as hell.

It seems that a "deeper" problem -- that of history information not
being saved -- is causing the auto-completion in Mozilla in Sid not to
work. I've tried removing my .mozilla directory and starting from
scratch but to no avail. No history, no auto-completion.

I haven't filed a bug and don't think anybody else has (based on a quick
scan of the BTS). I don't know if we should file a bug or just, uhh,

Anyhow, this is a "me too" for whatever it's worth.

 --> Jijo

Federico Sevilla III  : http://jijo.free.net.ph      : When we speak of free
Network Administrator : The Leather Collection, Inc. : software we refer to
GnuPG Key ID          : 0x93B746BE                   : freedom, not price.

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