"Wafula Okumu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear Debian and Chad: > > Is it possible for you to assist me by sharing with me a framework for > a comm on defence and security policy proposal.
HUH? OK. Let's give this a try. I'm thinking that a couple Patriot Missle batteries would be essential in any common defense and security policy proposal. I mean, if you're really going to deter your foes, why not do it the right way. They're a rightous weapon, and they attract the babes like a basket full of Cadbury Chocolate Easter Eggs. Now, you're going to have to hire at least enough mercenaries for a 5:1 ratio of your upper division staff, the people you most want to protect. You could drop down to 1:20 for the rest of your company staff, maybe even 1:50. If you're trying to protect a country, well, I can't give you exact numbers, but you're going to want tens of thousands of troops. That might be a bit expensive to pay mercenaries, so try instilling a draft. In any case, make sure you keep them busy on the off time by helping hide those Easter Eggs in the mine-field. It's a diversion tactic. Your foes won't be able to resist the temptation of a good egg hunt. Before you ask, chemical weapons are right out. It's just too messy and way to problematic. You'll likely kill half of your own troops trying to pull off any sort of attack. Train them in how to defend against such warfare, but don't give them the means to participate in any other way. You do want some sort of credibility, don't you? If you really must, send your foes truckloads of "Peeps", you know, the marshmello sugar bombs. If that doesn't devestate your foe completely, they'll at least be busy shoveling out the latrine for weeks. Weapons of mass distruction? Again out. Don't even bother. Just be smart on how you deploy your forces and you'll do fine. If you can, however, try to get your hands on a "Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch". They're quite effective, especially against vorpal bunnies, but rare indeed. I suggest that you train your special forces in using this awesome weapon by screening Monty Python's, "The Search for the Holy Grail." It is the defacto standard training material for Holy weaponry. Remember, you must pull the pin and toss the Grenade on "three". > I would be most grateful if you can share with me this information at > your ea rliest possible convenience. My pleasure. I hope my information has helped you out... OK, not really. -- Chad Walstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.wookimus.net/ assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */