On Sat, Apr 12, 2003 at 02:34:32PM +0100, Andrew Suffield wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2003 at 10:57:34PM +0200, Lars Bahner wrote:
> > pptp-linux
> AIUI, you have to rebuild your kernel with a patch, and the version of
> the patch in the archive doesn't work on recent kernels. So I doubt
> many people will be hugely affected.

No patching of the kernel is needed to use this package. The bug
referring to kernel-patch-mppe (#180538) only mentions suggesting or
recommending the patch.

Additionally, pptp-linux seems to be the only/preferred/recommended? way
to use ADSL on Linux in the Netherlands (which is where I live). See
also http://www.maniac.nl/adsl.html.

IANADD, but since the only outstanding bugs are wishlist items, I would
be happy to take this package.

Matijs van Zuijlen

    ... designed to fill holes or cracks of not more than two cubic vims.
                            -- Robert Sheckley, Untouched by Human Hands

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