I demand that Nathan Paul Simons may or may not have written... [snip] > Speaking for myself, I can say that I still have playmidi installed, albeit > version 2.3 instead of 2.4 (2.4 drums sound ugly on my wavetable for some > reason I can't fathom; not a Debian problem per se, it's in upstream too).
Hmm. They're conffiles (not sure why, given that they're all binaries); have you tried 2.4 with the 2.3 drums files? > AFAIK, nobody uses playmidi anymore. I use it from time to time, and I think that it should be left in the archive until most people are using 2.6-series kernels (and, thus, ALSA). > Most sound cards these days don't even *come* with wavetable synthesis, and > software synthesis (ie timidity) sounds so much better than FM synthesis. I have an SBLive; it has an on-board synth, which sounds almost as good as timidity (and has the advantage of using next to no CPU power). OTOH, the only synth support for emu10k1 is in ALSA, although there's OSS support for the MIDI port on these cards (but I don't have anything to plug in there). > The only reason I have playmidi installed is that I have a very nice > wavetable synthesis daughter board, and playmidi is the only thing I've > found that can use it. Hmm... another reason to keep it, then. [snip] > For instance, what are some good replacements for magicfilter? apsfilter seems to work well. > Or linuxconf? A text editor :-) [snip] -- | Darren Salt | nr. Ashington, | linux (or ds) at | Debian, | Northumberland | youmustbejoking | RISC OS | Toon Army | demon co uk | 2003/04/12 16:51 - Mackems relegated to Division One DO NOT BEND, FOLD, STAPLE, OR IN ANY WAY MUTILATE THIS TAGLINE.