On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 11:23:23PM +1300, Nick Phillips wrote:
> Joy (or any of the rest of the www team) - where do you get the data
> to put into the mirror pages on www.d.o?

Well, we get it from the Internet :) Please rephrase the question, I don't

> I'd suggest that a simple method for mirror admins to let us know what they
> plan to mirror, and for us to test its availability on a regular basis,
> would be a good idea.

We already have that, but notice how the mirrors of the two archives aren't
in the least bit of distress like the problem at hadn: the structure and
contents of those is well defined, we have mirror checking scripts and we
regularly monitor the output of that for any major problems.

(I would suggest that you have a look at http://www.debian.org/mirror/)

The CD image mirrors don't even have a primary site -- *cdimage.d.o includes
only jigdo files now. Those image mirrors are one big improvization.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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