(There's no debian-installer list afaik. If there is, let me know and I'll 
redirect this to it)

I've noticed the debian-desktop page mentions an "X/gtkfb port".
I assume gtkfb has something to do with gtk running on the frambuffer. Does 
this make any difference to the actual writing of the gtk code? I have no idea 
about the status of this port, but if it needs help, I'd like to try to do what 
I can.

Basically, all I want to know is; does writing this installer just involve 
regular, generic C and GTK+ development? Or is there some sort of framebuffer 
related knowledge thats required or would help?

Also, would the development be broken up into UI (gtk/X) developers, and 
developers working to connect the frontend with the backend, or a bit of both 
for everyone?



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