On Sat, Nov 23, 2002 at 01:25:23AM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> * Abandon non-free entirely, but have SPI sponsor a apt-gettable server 
> (third-party.debian.org) for third-party developers to put .deb packages on.  

I'd already raised this possibility before (moving non-free out of Debian
but to some other SPI project).  It doesn't have to be third-party
developers; it could be Debian developers.  I don't think it should use
debian.org if it's not a Debian project.  Nothing in my proposed GR would
prohibit this.

> I'd be (very) happy with any or all of these (in particular, the third option 
> would be a positive improvement over the status quo); I wonder what Debian 
> developers who support non-free think of these ideas?

It must feel good to totally ignore a large chunk of Debian developers.

-- John

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