Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : snortcenter
  Version         : 0.9.5
  Upstream Author : Stefan Dens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Description     : web-based snort management system written in PHP and Perl
SnortCenter is a web-based client-server management system written in
PHP and Perl. It will help you to configure the Snort configuration &
signature files.

The Management Console will build the configuration files for you and
then send it to the remote sensor.

Some features:
 - SSL encryption between Management System and remote Sensor Agents.
 - Build in user authentication.
 - Automatic update /import new snort signatures from the Internet and
   push them to the sensors.
 - Start-Stop Snort remotely and push the specific configuration to
   the sensor.
 - Create personal rules or modify the snort rules.
 - One Sensor Agent can handle multiple snort daemons if the system
   has multiple network interfaces.
 - Multi Language support (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,
   (Dutch soon available) ).
 - Management Console and Sensor Agents for Linux, *NIX, Windows (NT,
   2000 & XP).

 ; ;' ;      Debian GNU/Linux     |   Benjamin Drieu
 `. `'  |  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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