On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 12:46:02PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 06:16:19PM +0100, Rob Bradford wrote:
> > Furthermore i'm interested as to why there are two packages called
> > libphp-adodb and libphp-phplot. Which seems to break with the php4-
> > naming scheme that the majority or packages used. Hence i have CC'ed the
> > maintainers. Of course there is merit in maintaining upstream namers,
> > but inconsistency isnt half confusing :(
> I believe the 'php4' prefix is specific to packages that are derived from
> the php4 source package; AFAIK, most of the PHP-related packages that
> come from other sources do not share this prefix.
> I would prefer not to see package names encode the version information of
> *other* packages.  libphp-adodb seems quite reasonable to me.

        As the package maintainer for libphp-phplot MY decision to use
this naming as opposed to php4-phplot was the code works with PHP3 and
PHP4 to my knowledge so why label it php4-phplot then... It also follows
the same line as libapache-* which don't make a distinction in name for
which version of Apache that is where Depends come in... 

        While we're talking about this why don't we mention php4-pear
which is the PEAR collection that is in the PHP4 source... There are
also many other PEAR modules for PHP, some of which I am thinking of
packaging as I use them. These for the most part work on PHP3 and PHP4
so how do we want to recommend naming them?

        Case in point of one that I actually am seriously considering
packaging is the DB_DataObject PEAR module. It gets install'd in
/usr/share/pear/DB/DataObject... My thought is to follow the direction
PERL has gone and thus name it libdb-dataobject-pear. There is also a
DB_ado PEAR module which following this naming could be libdb-ado-pear.

        Now there is one caveat to this, and that is there may need to
be some work done on the PHP packages to make building the PEAR packages
possible as I've had to make changes locally to install them because of
deficiencies in the PHP packages. Also there is an update to PEAR itself
which would have the potential of conflicting completely with the
current php4-pear package.

        Jeremy T. Bouse

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