On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 05:13:48PM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

> On Wed, 09 Jan 2002, Pete Ryland wrote:
> > So is this a bug with mime-support (shouldn't have blown away mailcap when
> Grave bug against mime-support IF it is the package that generates
> /etc/mailcap.  It must be able to detect write errors, and avoid data loss.

/etc/mailcap is not a conffile, so it could possibly be modified by other
packages.  I think they are all supposed to use update-mime, though, so look
there first.

> > /tmp was full), quake2-data (shouldn't have filled /tmp in the first place),
> quake2-data should use TMPDIR, and you (the user) should have it pointing
> somewhere with enough space. quake2-data should warn you it will need space
> to unpack whatever in TMPDIR.

quake2-data should prompt the admin where to download the files, since
TMPDIR is not expected to have such large amounts of space, wherever it
points to.

> > fault? (100M is surely enough for most things, no?)
> Well, I usually have a 0.5GB /tmp because of silly software that wants to
> eat up huge amounts of /tmp space for installs. Quake2-data is in that
> league, apparently.

I use tmpfs for /tmp.

 - mdz

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