Hi ! I am not sure if this message shouldn't go to debian-user list, but as the problem is in SID/unstable I think most of SID users is on devel. I also Cc: gnome-devel-list here, as I belive it is gnome-panel, not debian package problem (but not sure about it).
The problem is I really like using GNOME. One of its strenghts for me is its panel that allows me to have my own sub menus (sub-panels) in it. My panel looks more-less this way: +----\/----+ |NN4.7/mail| |----------+----\/----+ | Mozilla | TkCVS | |----------|----------| | Galeon | Glimmer | ...-+----/\----+----/\----+----/\---+---/\---+.... ... | W E B | D e v e l| Office | Shells |.... ... | Tools | Tools | Tools | |.... ...-+----------+----------+---------+--------+.... The problem is, that it happened for the second time in this month, that after apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade my config causes panel to crash while GNOME starts ! Even if I have not change nothing and _Yesterday_ it worked well... It is very confusing... The only way around is to delete ~/.gnome/panel.d directory and re-create all my panel from scratch. I have reported it as a BUG, but no response till now: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67047 I really don't know what do. I'd like to know: - Am I the only affected person ? Or are here others having this problem as well ? - Is it a problem in panel or has it sth. to do with Debian packages upgrades ? - In my bugreport I included my panel.d content (compressed), strace and ltrace outputs. I think these info should be enough to squash the bug ? What else can I do ? (besides digging in code myself) I am NOT subscribed to @gnome.org lists so Cc: me Your answers please. I AM subscribed to debian-devel, no Cc: nessesary. I really'd like to use GNOME, but this panel problem desn't help me. I think there is just a bug somewhere, but nobody cares to squash it... If I can be anyhow usefull to You, please contact me at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks in advance Grzegorz Prokopski PS: I am tired of asnwers: "If you're running SID you should expect problems". IMHO it is not SID to blame here, but some BUG instead (in deb package or in panel code).