On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Erik Steffl wrote:

> > "Ing. Luis Chávez Romo" wrote:
> > 
> > I am tired of been a windows user. Let me know if there is an easy way
> > to move
> > an aplication developed in visual c to linux.
>   it depends on libraries used, if the libraries are not available for
> linux than it might be quite hard.
>   Another option is to have not entirely native application and use wine
> (kinda ugly but it might help the transition).

   Unless your application only uses the C library, your only solution
to port it to Linux is to use either Wine, then you run the .exe using
Wine, or Winelib, i.e. recompiling it against the Wine libraries.
   The Winelib way requires a bit more work, but will allow you to also
call Unix APIs (may allow for a better integration) and to progressively
migrate your application to a more portable API (although the transition
may not be easy, porting to a new API never is).

To learn more about Wine see the WineHQ web site:


Francois Gouget         [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://fgouget.free.fr/
                     Avoid the Gates of Hell - use Linux.

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