On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 09:58:34PM +0100, Tom Jongsma wrote: > Hello, > > I'm running debian potato right now. I want to upgrade it to Debian Woody, but > I don't have a free internet connection. > Can I update my potato by burning a cd on school. And Install it on my machine > at home? > I can't find cd-images (iso's) of debian woody. > Aren't there cd-images of debian woody?
I am in the same situation as you are. There are *unoffical* CD images for woody. Click on the unoffical link in cdimage.debian.org. The number binary CDs for woody has exploded, you can create your own CD-image using the debian-cd package. It's actually pretty easy to use. Ganesan -- Ganesan R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Ph: 91-422-549 860 (Home) Andiamo Software Systems Pvt. Ltd | #include <std_disclaimer.h>