First, i'd like to apologise to the developers that witnessed me 
"spazzing"(as one person described it) over the current state of debian and 
it's stability/buggyness.

        Ok, as a one-time debian tier-1 mirror server admin, and a 4 year user 
of debian i'd like to make an observation that I recently went off in 
#debian-devel over.

        For some time now there has been an increasing trend in people that I 
know who use debian. It is the view that debian is becoming increasingly 
"old"/outdated, and that developers either a: dont' have the time to properly 
maintain packages, or just don't care. Which the case is here I don't know. I'm 
not intimate with a lot of developers. However, this has been the same view 
that has been slowly dawning over me for a while now.

        I see an increasing trend of two critical problems in the way debian 
operates. #1 package age. Let me talk about this one first. There has been a 
relatively (year or two) explosion in the package count. As this package count 
has gone up, packages that I have used for years and that used to work well 
have falen into a sad state or disrepair. I'll use CDRToaster as an example 

        As debian "caught up" on versions, CDRToaster became increasingly 
buggy. The last modification that I saw to it over a year ago was to let it 
support > 8x CDR drives. I personaly took the time to patch it and send out a 
patch. I never saw it in debian until the upstream included it approximatly 2 
motnhs later. This is too long of a timeframe for a simple patch to take to 
"fix" something. Now this was a feature enhancement and was easy to accept that 
it took a bit to get back into debian.

        The latest bug that has irked me to no end is the fact that cdrtoaster 
has not worked with creating data tracks with a graft on the fly for an unknown 
period of time. It's a simple fix really. Just add the option -graft-points to 
the mkisofs command. Well, here is the buglist of cdrtoaster....

    * #41009: cdrtoaster: cdrtoaster(1) manpage missing
      Package: cdrtoaster; Reported by: Roland Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 
years and 173 days old.
    * #75204: cdrtoaster uses xterm
      Package: cdrtoaster; Reported by: Normal User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 1 year 
and 68 days old.
    * #78892: unnecessary test for writeable CD-R device
      Package: cdrtoaster; Reported by: Fred Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 1 year 
and 21 days old.

        Note the age of all of these bugs. Over a year old each. Now the reason 
for this aparantly is that CDRToaster hasn't been updated on the homepage since 
Jan 2001 at ver 1.12. Obviously this package is DEAD. 8-P I'm sad to see it go 
as I am on many usefull programs such as this one.

        However, that leaves a problem. I've been told by several developers 
that "it's an upstream problem. send them a patch and when they include it we 
will update". Wel, that argument doesn't work in increasingly common cases like 
this. At this point, it is now (IMHO) the debian packagers problem. If they are 
unwilling or unable to fix it, then the package should be marked as "BAD" or 
"dead-upstream" as a warning to the user that they should pick a different 
utility like this one to use.

        What I see happening is this. The package count has increased 
proportionatly to the ammount of bugs per package. This is giving debian a bad 
name. This is driving users away. Eventualy if this continues, debian WILL die 
or be a nice distribution only diehard fans of it's ideals will use.

        Now a little history for you to understand my view of why this 
prevaling attitude is annoying to say the least, and has me up in arms over it 
so to speak. When I signed on to distribute debian, it was rock solid. Packages 
were only marginaly out of date. People loved it. Users loved it. Debian people 
trash talked redhat daily over it's bugs.(not all debian folk, just the more 
vocal and publicly seen ones). I have slowly stoped recomending it as the 
number of people that tried it because of me has shifted from mostly "nice 
distro. thanks" to "this is buggy, and out of date. thanks a lot. >:( ".


        Ok, this has gotten long enough. I'm proposing as a user that you 
(debian et al) find a way to somehow warn the user that this package is dead 
upstream and that bugs aren't likely to get fixed if the maintainer is 
unwilling/able to fix it. I am also proposing that it be required of a 
maintainer that they have at least a rudimentary ability to fix minor bugs like 

        It is my opinion that if you are putting your name to somethign that 
you are providing for download, you are implying that you have accepted 
responsibility for the quality of the software. 

        If this is not the case, then debian needs to stop labeling itself as a 
"distro" in the users eyes, and clearly label itself as a system of packaging 
volunteers that have NO responsibility for software bugs at all, and ONLY 
responsible and track bugs that come from being packaged.


        Ok, enough of this for tonight. I will now let you all discuss this 
amongst yourselves since I am not a developer. Should the situation arise that 
a: I have more free time, and b: that debian either accepts responsibility for 
packages, or alternativly modifies it's public image to one of being a packager 
only and keeps up with upstream stuff, then at that point i'd be interested in 
joining the team to make debian better.

        I would appreciate a CC: to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for any emails sent back 
tot he list directly. For I am not on the debian-devel mailing list.:)

        A VERY concerned Debian end user.
        Brian Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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