On Thu, Dec 20, 2001 at 11:13:30AM +0100, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

> * Adrian Bunk 
> | 
> | Really? I'm often happy and I see other maintainers that are happy when
> | they get "new upstream version" wishlist bug reports - it does sometimes
> | happen that for any reason you did oversee a new version.
> In addition, it shows that somebody besides yourself care about the
> software you are packaging.  Which is a nice thing, IMHO.

Agreed, however, a simple email message notifying them about the new version
serves the same purpose, and doesn't create a (possibly unnecessary) bug
report to deal with the issue.

Creating a bug report has the advantage of sharing the status of the issue
with other users and developers, but the disadvantage of annoying developers
who are oversensitive about bug reports.

 - mdz

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