On 21 Dec 2001 19:57:43 -0800,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Bushnell, BSG) wrote:
> Does this include any game levels?
> If it doesn't include any levels that a person can play, then it only
> belongs in contrib.

Only the engine has been GPL'd; all the artwork is still copyright Id
Software. The only way you're legally allowed to use it is from
purchasing the game itself.

There's no reason why the engine itself can't be included in Debian, as
far as I'm concerned. It doesn't absolutely *have* to have game data, to
begin with(if you also care to look at the package as an educational
one, anyways). Not only that, but in time there will be fully Free
artwork available which people can then download and use with the

Come on ... this is a cool-factor thing, at least partially :) Having
Quake II source in Debian would be pretty spiffy, if you ask me. And
like I said, it'd be nice to be able to 'apt-get source quake2' and read
what they've written.

/    David Barclay Harris            Aut agere, aut mori.      \
\        Clan Barclay              Either action, or death.    /

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