Hi, there is an 103 days old IPT for a compilercache package (bug #100538). I asked the submitter whether he is still interested in this, but got no answer. So I would like to package this myself.
Description: a caching wrapper around compilers to speed up compilations Compilercache is a wrapper around your C and C++ compilers. Each time you compile something, the wrapper puts the result of the compilation into a cache. And once you compile the same thing again, the result will be picked from the cache instead of being recompiled. . Care is taken to ensure that compilation with and without compilercache always results in identical object files. The original packages may be found at http://www.erikyyy.de/compilercache/. My preliminary debian packages are at http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~wwwstoch/voss/debian/ If there are no objections I will upload them soon. Jochen -- Omm (0)-(0) http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~wwwstoch/voss/privat.html
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