* Santiago Vila [Mon, 03/09/2001 at 12:03 +0200]
> The bug basically says "/etc/locale.gen should not be a conffile
> because most people will need to modify it" 

I agree :

- Almost all French users (and I think I can extrapolate: all the users
  who need to read messages with non-ascii chars) need to set up a
  '/etc/locale.gen' to see them correctly for example with mutt, and that
  even though (and it's my case) the whole installation, menus etc  is
  still in English for a lot a reasons.

- It is clumsy to have to answer : "No, keep the modified version" each
  time the package is updated. 

> but Ben does not agree
> that people using locales is "most people".

We definitely need some accurate information to make the decision. Stats
are difficult to gather, I'd suggest a "DebianPlanet" survey advertized in
debian-user and other places 


Jean-Marc Chaton    |   La Terre n'est pas un héritage de nos  
                    | ancêtres, nous l'empruntons à nos enfants.
                    |                     =^..^=

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