> Package: psutils
   > Version: 1.16-3
   > The psmerge utility only writes the prolog of files it reads. It is even
   > not able to merge a single file (which should be equivalent to a cat).
   > Looking at the source, it looks like some parts of the PS are gobbled
   > without being printed.
   > Yves (who needs psmerge or an equivalent soon :-().
   The man page indicates that psmerge is not a general merge utility. It is
   only intended to work in the specific case that all the files are created
   with the same fonts and resources by the same application. I can only
   assume that if your case differs from this scenerio you should not expect
   useful results.

I'm in this scenario, don't worry. In addition, a single document is in
the scenario too ;-)


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