Soren Juul Moller wrote: : : Package: kernel-source : Version: 2.0.6 : : The kernel headers /usr/include/{linux,asm,scsi,net} should : be a symlink to /usr/src/linux/{linux,asm,scsi,net} and : not installed as "real" files. Or maybe something like : /lib/modules/current? : When compiling a new kernel version, one often forgets to : update the kernel headers. I did.
And did it some harm? The kernel headers below /usr/include are (should be) the headers most close to libc. The headers below /usr/src/linux are really kernel related and should be used for compilation of KERNEL parts (as driver modules and so on) while the other (libc related) under /usr/include should be used only for constants and #defines. As far as I got told when I had a similar question. And now I think, it's quite acceptable. Heiko -- email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] pgp : A1 7D F6 7B 69 73 48 35 E1 DE 21 A7 A8 9A 77 92 finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]