Package: kernel
Version: 2.0.6

I recently updated from debian 1.1 - kernel version 2.0.0 - to 1.1.3
by installing the new package in base/kernel-image-2.0.6_2.0.6-0.deb
(plus the updated dpkg and kbd).

Rebooting the machine showed that all was working apart from the nfs
module failing to load with lots of undefined symbol errors.

Rebuilding the nfs module from base/kernel-source-2.0.6_2.0.6-0.deb
and replacing the existing one in /lib/modules.... fixed the problem.


|   Dr Andy Wood, Database Administrator     |
|   British  Antarctic  Survey               |
|   High Cross, Madingley Road            +----------------------------------+
|   Cambridge,   CB3 0ET,   UK            |    [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |
|      +44 (0) 1223 361188                |    [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
+-----------------------------------------|    [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |

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