Michael Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 12:20:19PM -0400, Steve Robbins wrote:
>> I dunno about the first, but I have seen the second problem.  In my case,
>> it was caused by a bug in dpk-scanpackages (from dpkg-dev); see bug #51479
>> in BTS.

> apt-move does not use dpkg-scanpackages (it used to, but not any more.)

Actually apt-move does use dpkg-scanpackages (and dpkg-scansources), but
it caches their results so they're never run twice on the same package.

This occurs when apt-move first moves the packages in, which is why you must
never move packages in by hand (at least not without doing an fsck later).
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