> I have been working on a project to bring aolserver and perl 
> together for the past 2-3 weeks, and it has passed what I 
> consider to be all its proof-of-concept stages: with the 
> preliminary code I have written, an aolserver
> which receives a request from a browser can respond by 
> running a perl script.
> The perl script can then send content back to the browser. 
> A statement of progress in a bit more detail can presently be found at
> http://openacs.org/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=0000Tb&;
> topic_id=OpenACS&topic=
> In my opinion, this makes the project a success as it stands.

Hi Jim,

Congratulations on your Perl effort.  I've been working on a
similar project, and have achieved about the same level of
success you have.

I based my work on the Python embed project I did (see
http://pywx.idyll.org).  It is not as far along as our Python
implementation, but it would be a short effort to do so.

If you want, we could pool resources on this one to accelerate
development.  We can continue this off-list since it's probably
of limited interest to others....



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