IMHO, the fewer changes between Debian's kernels and the upstream ones, the better...
> You are right, of course. I changed it in 1.3.47 and the DPT (has > NOTHING to do with the AHA drivers) and the Buslogic are at the top. > What other AHA-compatible do we have that should move? I a mopen for > suggestions. I don't see why we should move any of them. They're arranged in the order they are in for two reasons: 1) to prevent probing problems (i.e. BusLogic must come before Adaptec 154x), and 2) to allow the more popular and/or problematic cards to come first. It doesn't really matter if a 152X gets detected before a high-power whiz-bang SCSI-matic 2010 PCI adapter, because you can still put root on any SCSI controller you like. If there is a _really_ good reason to change the probe order, we should discuss it on the kernel and scsi channels, and get it changed in the upstream source. Remember: if you move probes around, earlier probes have a chance of putting hardware in an unusable state, preventing later probes from succeeding. > Besides, with the nice support that Adaptec gives Linux users we should > really re-locate the drivers to /dev/null anyway, but the Linux > developer supporting these things IS a nice guy, so... Adaptec provides free programming information on the 154X and 174X series, as well as the AIC-6X60 chips (152X), so be nice... I'm not thrilled with their policy on current products, but they're still excellent products. :) Merry Christmas! Jeff